Wicked Beauty Tinting Policy

As a responsible user tinting products, we regularly consult with our suppliers and the EU Cosmetic Commission to ensure that our training and treatments adhere to their guidelines. This is to protect the safety of our customers.

Recent changes to EU legislation and our manufacturer’s guidelines of use for the tinting mean that we are unable to offer tinting services to the following:

  • Clients under 16 years of age
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding clients

As a company, with the best interests of our customers at the top of our agenda, we must adhere to and teach these guidelines, ensuring the safe practice of tinting/ Brows treatments.

It is advised that patch tests are carried out by, or in sight of, a professional using formulations as they’ll be used during treatment 24-48 hours before your scheduled appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m currently pregnant/ breastfeeding/ under 16 years old, does this mean I can not have brow treatments which include tinting


You can still have HD Brows treatments but you will not be tinted or patch tested as part of your treatments.

I am pregnant/ breastfeeding/ under 16 but I still really want the tint, can I still have the tint if I sign some sort of consent form?

No, your Brow Artist is a trained professional and they are obligated to adhere to EU legislation and the manufacturer’s guidelines, they cannot go against them even with consent from the customer. Remember, this is for your safety. 

Do I still have to do a patch test?

No, although this is usually a mandatory step for brows, you do not have do a patch test if you’re not being tinted.

I’ve been told that I must attend the salon 48 hours before my treatment so that my Stylist can apply the tint patch test but I don’t want to, is there a way around this?

Brow artists are permitted to perform a patch test before your first Brow treatment with them, or if you have not had the treatment for 6 months or more. The patch tests should be carried out by, or in sight of, a professional using the formulas as they would during the treatment. This is done to ensure your safety during the treatment. Alternatively, if you simply can’t make it to the salon 48 hours before your treatment, your Stylist can still perform the HD Brows treatment and simply skip the tint step for you.